Thứ Năm, 20-12-2012, 00:00 8891
Ngày 20/11/2012 Sở KH&CN tiến hành kiểm tra tiến độ thực hiện dự án “Ứng dụng công nghệ mới để sản xuất ván ghép thanh dạng Finger joint từ gỗ keo lai tại Thái Nguyên”, do Doanh nghiệp tư nhân Danh Tài là đơn vị chủ trì thực hiện.
In the field of science, where the activities often have regulations and requirements for the moral qualities - such as honesty and fair spirit for the common good - is set to the highest, the money required the right people and the right to be respected as leading. But money is allocated right things leading political power that all agencies are to hold up. In Vietnam, they have the MOST often complained that the Ministry of Planning and Investment of holding too much power in the work plan budget allocation and reference a very limited way the proposals from the Ministry of Science and Technology . However, despite agency power this decision allocating funds for S & T in our country is still heavily applying for, lacking a scientific basis convincing, and was deeply influenced by the work non-scientific personnel. A common example is the phenomenon of the research institutions we constantly seek to 'lobby' to enhance the legitimacy and political influence, possibly from a small laboratory become the center research, from the center to become academics, from the parent organization to continue bearing children out of institutions, etc. Automatically
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